Most denominations that profess Christianity have used and continue to use musical instruments in their worship. Today, more and more churches of Christ are joining them in that practice. Many don’t think it matters to God and others think it’s what God wants. So, here are a couple of thoughts that I have found in the Scriptures for us to consider. First, I could just leave the rest of this page blank because God doesn’t say anything about the church worshipping God with musical instruments. They were used to worship God in the Old Testament, especially after King David introduced them into the worship at the Temple. The Revelation compares the worship of God in heaven to the beautiful sound of musical instruments. But there is no mention of musical instruments ever being used in the church of Christ you read about in the Bible, even though they were taught to observe all things Christ commanded (Mat. 28:19).
Some argue that Paul’s command concerning “psalms” and “making melody” in Ephesians 5:19, includes the use of musical instruments in our worship to God. If so, then would we not all be required to play an instrument just as we are all required to sing? But how did Paul command us to use psalms? He did not say to play them on an instrument but “speak to one another”, “singing”. And how did Paul command us to make melody? He did not say to use the harp or some other musical instrument but “the heart”. It is the heart that Paul commanded to accompany our worship in song. Second, we do not respect God’s holiness, nor do we glorify Him when we act presumptuously; that is, on our own without authority from Him. This is the lesson of Leviticus 10:1-3, in the event of Nadab and Abihu. They approached God with “profane fire…which He had not commanded them”. As a result, they were killed by fire from God. If God was not pleased with Nadab and Abihu, how must He feel when we offer profane music which He has not commanded us? God seeks true worshippers who will worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). May we be those worshippers.
Thomas Walker
1/25/2020 11:38:57 am
I wonder if Christians are to limit their corporate worship and musical teaching to acapella Psalms Hymns and Spiritual songs with a melody from/on the strings of the heart.
2/3/2020 02:17:00 pm
Our worship to God, as all we do in doctrine and practice, must be done by His authority. This authority is derived from the new covenant of Christ. The only kind of music authorized is the singing of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. To go beyond this is to act presumptuously without a word from God. If God wants to enable inanimate physical bodies to praise Him that is His business, but we must follow His commandments. It is not hypocritical to use musical instruments for good entertainment, but we have no authority to use them to worship God any more than we have authority to worship God with the pots and pans we use to cook. Just because we use common things at home in many common ways does not mean they are authorized to be used in worship to God at home or in church. For more information concerning this, please go to my article “Why Does The Church Of Christ Not Use Mechanical Instruments Of Music In Worship?” at
9/10/2021 11:20:13 am
Revelations tells us that in Heaven, SOME of the angels are playing stringed instruments, and there is no clear prohibition of instruments in the New Testament that I've found (please point it out if I'm wrong). The prayer that Jesus taught His disciples (The Lord's Prayer) expressly says "Your will be done ON EARTH, as it is in Heaven." Can we not take this to mean that we are authorized to worship and glorify God with instruments, just as they do in Heaven?
G. Wright
1/26/2022 01:13:44 am
To say musical instruments in worship to praise God is wrong. God the Creator, Jesus the Savior, and the Holy Spirit is one and to me the Word is made flesh proves that they are "One"! This means that musical worship isn't wrong or presumptuous in worship! It is praise to the Almighty God as it was in the Old Testament. God's word doesn't change, it is man who twist the word of God for man's purpose!
G. Wright
1/26/2022 01:26:28 am
Church of Christ is an occult with made up worship to fit their own lies, greed, selfishness, and untruth!
Robert Dodson
5/24/2022 05:12:33 pm
Christ promised to build His church and the Lord adds all the saved to it. The saved are not perfect, but far from it, as you can see from the churches of Christ you read about in the New Testament. They are however forgiven as they strive to follow Christ, trusting Him for their salvation. I cannot speak for every Christian, nor every congregation of God's people, only myself. I do not hate anyone. I am only striving to preach the truth as it is revealed in the Bible to the best of my knowledge and ability with love for God and every soul. And, I encourage everyone to check out all things for themselves from the Bible because God will be their judge, not me. May God bless us all with His love and grace!
Thomas Walker
5/25/2022 12:26:41 pm
I regret that it seems this sincere discussion of the use of instruments in worship assemblies has devolved into a castigation of churches of Christ. Perhaps that can change or end.
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AuthorRobert Dodson is the Preaching Minister for the Northwest Church of Christ. Archives
January 2023