The young people in our congregation are far more than spectators. They are active in the Lord's work through worship, Bible classes, devotionals, service projects, camps, missions, leadership training, as well as other activities and gatherings throughout the year (check our Youth & Family Calendar).Spencer Rossworks with their families to help achieve and maintain godly standards as they grow in the Lord. Special attention is given to our King's Kids (kindergarten - 5th grade) and their families, too. If you are a parent looking for a congregation where you and your children will find godly fellowship and opportunities to exercise your desire to serve the Lord, you will find it here at Northwest.
YOuth Devotionals
Every month our young people gather to spend time encouraging one another, praising God, and studying His Word, in addition to our normally scheduled services.
Service Projects
Throughout the year our young people devote time working together in various capacities, either to beautify the city, promote an upcoming event, or accomplish some other good work.
Fellowship Gatherings
We love having our young people gather for some good clean fun. We enjoy movie nights, game days, mystery quests, holiday parties, and more.
The NWY (6th-12th grades) participate each January in this faith building retreat at Camp Pettijohn in Oklahoma. The purpose of WinterQuest is to help each camper develop spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically (Luke 2:52) and to help campers enjoy and grow in a simple environment. The date for 2024 is January 12-14. Visit to find out more.
T3 Comission
This event is for our 8th-12th graders at the Lewisville church of Christ each February. Teach The Truth (T3) Commission is not a youth rally or retreat. It is a weekend for young people who understand Christianity and want to learn how to better communicate the truth of the gospel to their friends and family. The date for 2024 is February 16-17. Visit to find out more.
Summer Youth Series (SYS)
The Summer Youth Series is a weekly gathering of youth groups from around the Dallas/Fort Worth area for worship and fellowship. These events are held on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. during the summer months. They include congregational singing, a message from God's Word that is geared specifically for teens and the challenges they face, followed by a meal for all.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Vacation Bible School (VBS) brings together all our members to provide a unique learning experience for all ages (0-100+). With singing, Bible lessons, activities, crafts, refreshments and special prizes, everyone has a reason to attend VBS. Join us June 7-10, 2024, 6:30-8:30 p.m. on the theme "King Of Kings".
Summer Camp
In the summer our young people (incoming 6th graders through graduating high school seniors) spend one week away from worldly influences to grow closer to God with young people and adults from other congregations of the Lord's church, building eternal bonds and worshiping their Creator. Join us June 16-21, 2024 for the week of Inner Circle Christian Camp at Quartz Mountain Christian Camp in Lone Wolf, Oklahoma.
Lads2Leaders (L2L)
Many of our young people participate in this year-round program to help develop their skills and love for God, His Word, His church, and the lost. Our young people have regular L2L activities throughout the year (check here and on our At A Glance and Daily Events calendars) and they attend the L2L convention every Easter weekend at the Omni Fort Worth Downtown. Click here to visit the L2L website.
FAll Focus @ Camp lU-Jo
Fall Focus at Camp Lu-Jo in Oklahoma serves as both a fun and spiritual retreat for our 5th through 12th graders. The camp for 2024 is held November 1-3.
Other Training Camps
Titus Camp: The Keller Church of Christ hosts this camp for boys in 6th-9th grades to help equip them to lead God's people preaching and teaching the Word of God.
Owls Camp: OWLS stands for Outstanding Women Leading and Serving. The Lewisville Church of Christ hosts this camp for young ladies in 9th-12th grades to train them to use their talents in service to the Lord and His people.
Tabitha Camp: The Keller Church of Christ hosts this camp for girls in 6th-8th grades to teach the many ways they can use their talents to serve in the church.
Lewisville Preacher Training Camp: The Lewisville Church of Christ hosts this camp for young men in 10th-12th grades to train them to teach and preach the Word of God.
Mission Trips
Our young people engage in good works near and far on a yearly basis. Check Northwest Mission Trips for more information about our scheduled missions.