We believe the Bible is the word of God and absolutely essential to our spiritual life. This ministry provides Bible teaching for all ages. Spencer Ross is our contact for this ministry. Sherry Dodson is our Bible School assistant for 5th grade and below. Our classes with their teachers and assistants for this quarter are listed below.
a Teacher's workshop for Ladies - dvd
Teaching Bible class is a tremendous joy, a serious responsibility and a lot of hard work! Explore all three in this high-energy, stick-to-the-Bible workshop for Bible class teachers. April Meacham and Teah McWhorter have more than 70 years' experience teaching Bible classes to all ages. Join April and Teah as they demonstrate dozens of visual aids, teach songs and inspire you to teach with a greater passion for God than ever before. If you are interested in viewing this DVD, it may be checked out from the church office or purchased from World Video Bible School.
Winter Quarter Classes & Teachers/AssistaNts December 1 - February 26
Sunday Morning Classes Cradle Roll (room 9): Megan Hutson Toddlers (room 11): Caitlyn Alonzo, Sophie Alonzo/Mary Ann Dunn Pre-School (room 8): Kathy Arnold K-1st Grade (room 19): Kandice Ross 2nd-3rd Grade (room 21): Jarod Hutson/Jacob Selby 4th-5th Grade (room 23): Annette Mattson 6th-12th Grade (upstairs): Spencer Ross College/Young Adults (room 24/26): JJ Aguayo Adult I (auditorium): Robert Dodson Adult II (chapel): Dave Lyon
Wednesday Evening Classes Cradle Roll (room 9): Julie Dubcak/Angela Larremore Toddlers (room 11): Sherry Dodson/Kristy Hawes Pre-School (room 8): Linda Nall K-1st Grade (room 19): Paula Taft 2nd-3rd Grade (room 21): Kitty Lewis 4th-5th Grade (room 23): Caden Dukes/Delaney Blagg 6th-12th Grade (upstairs): Spencer Ross Adults (auditorium): Robert Dodson Northwest Bible School (Annex-begins January): Kevin Keim