When we consider the suffering of this world and even our own personal situations we sometimes wonder where God is or if He even exists. If there is a God, why would He allow such things to happen? Is He not able to do anything about it? Or, does He just not care?
We All Know There Is A God
Though we may not always understand Him, we all know that there is a God. All we have to do is look into the unending space of our universe and at the marvels of creation (Psalms 19:1-6). The only logical, reasonable explanation for it all is an eternally powerful and superior being (Romans 1:20-21).
Our Sins Separate Us From God
The problem with most of us is that we choose to follow the desires of our flesh rather than acknowledge Him (Psalms 14:1-3; Romans 1:22-32). When our conscience accuses us of such sin we ignore it and act as though we will never have to give account to God (Romans 2:15-16; Psalms 10). Our sins separate us from God because He is holy (Isaiah 53:1-2; Romans 6:23). He is just and must punish sin (Romans 1:32).
It is our sins that bring suffering to the world, not God (Genesis 3). If He were to stop all sin, we would no longer have the freedom to choose. As long as we are able to make our own choices in life, there will be negative consequences that will cause suffering to us all in this world. This is the nature of sin.
God Sent His Son To Rescue Us
It is not that God cannot do anything about it or that He does not care (1 Peter 5:7). He has done something about it and what He did demonstrates just how much He cares (John 3:16). In His love and grace, He has made a way to rescue us all out of this world of sin (Romans 5:6-8; 1 John 4:9-10). It cost Him the death of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). After His death, He was resurrected to life and ascended back into heaven with God, His Father (Acts 2:22-36).
Only the sacrifice of a perfect human being could appease the wrath of a holy God towards our sins and satisfy His justice regarding our sins (2 Corinthians 5:21; 2 Peter 2:21-24). This is why Jesus left the glories of heaven with God to come to earth as a man (Philippians 2:5-8). In the flesh, He was tempted and tried but did not sin (Hebrews 4:15). Having lived a perfect life He was able to give Himself as an offering for our sins (Hebrews 5:7-9). He paid for our sins with His blood (1 Peter 1:18-19). He gives us eternal life by the power of His resurrection (1 Corinthians 15; 1 John 5:11-13). Now, God is just to forgive us and we can be reconciled with our holy God forever (2 Corinthians 5:19; Romans 3:21-26). Even while we endure the suffering of this evil world, He is able to give us peace that is beyond our understanding, indescribable joy and a living hope that sustains us through every trial of life (Philippians 4:4-9; 1 Peter 1:3-9).
God Is Not Very Far From Us
You do not have to look very far to find where God is (Acts 17:27-28). He is close by us all. In Him we live, move and have our being. He lovingly calls us to turn from sin to the Savior, Jesus Christ, before that day when He will judge the world (Acts 17:30-31). Upon your confession that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, you may be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins and begin a new life with Him (Acts 2:38; 8:35-39; Romans 6:3-4; 10:9-10). Keeping faith with Him, you will be saved when He comes in judgment and you will live with Him forever (Revelation 2:10). Those who refuse Him will suffer eternally without Him (John 12:48; 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10).