SUNDAY AFTERNOON SERVICES MOVED TO 1:00 P.M. EVERY WEEK Effective Sunday, January 5th, 2020
The Northwest elders have decided to change our meeting time from 5 p.m. Sundays to 1 p.m. Sunday beginning January 5, 2020.
Why Make A Change? Our elders believe that this will be a good change:
Those who cannot drive after dark would be able to attend.
It would give more family time for all in the afternoon and evening.
It would require only one trip to the building for some, saving time and money.
And, it would be another opportunity to invite others to come visit and to hear the gospel.
What Will It Look Like? We plan to use various formats in the 1:00 p.m. service such as:
Youth Led services providing training for our youth.
Singing classes/learning new songs.
Devotional style services in which we spend more time singing, praying and reading Scripture.
We will also have our preachers or others on a panel discussing prepared questions on relevant and important topics and expanding on the Sunday morning sermon.
We will be using guest speakers like missionaries, having special presentations of good works, hearing from those who have some particular expertise on Bible related subjects.
We will also have some Monthly Mini-Series using different formats each week on the same subject to fully preach, explain, answer questions and make application.
And, we will always in every service offer the Lord’s Invitation, and the Lord’s Supper will be available for any who need to partake of it.
Sundays at 1 p.m. will be an exciting and a blessed time for all at NW!
What Other Changes Should We Expect? Events that have been held on Sunday afternoon in the past will be rescheduled:
Care Groups A&B will meet after morning services on first Sundays and may use the Annex for a luncheon.
Care Groups C&D will meet after morning services on third Sundays and may use the Annex for a luncheon.
Other groups (e.g. Kings Kids, NWY, College/Young Adults, S.O.S.) may schedule meetings and/or lunch in the Annex on the second and fourth Sundays.
And, we will continue to have our congregational luncheons on fifth Sundays.
Be sure and check our newsletter and website calendars for posted times for all events in 2020.
The elders want to thank every member for their participation and cooperation in these things, and hope you join them in always praying God’s blessings for the church at Northwest.